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DC Health

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Infectious Diseases

T cell and pathogen image

The District of Columbia Department of Health (DC Health) relies on various partners, including healthcare facility staff, school nurses, and laboratory staff to provide us with information about diseases that can spread in the community or are of public health concern. We use this information to monitor the health of District residents, identify and investigate potential outbreaks, evaluate the effectiveness of public health interventions, and contribute to the national surveillance data collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Notifiable Diseases and Conditions

To help prevent and control the spread of communicable diseases in the District, all health care providers are required by law to report certain diseases and conditions to DC Health according to Chapter 22-B2 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations.

Visit the Notifiable Diseases and Conditions Resources page to access the following:

  • List of notifiable diseases and conditions to be reported to DC Health
  • Forms for submitting samples to the DC Public Health Laboratory (PHL) and CDC (e.g. Chain of Custody Form, Test Requisition Form, CDC 50.34 form)            

Online Reporting of Notifiable Diseases and Conditions 

► Submit a HAHSTA Case Report Form online using DCRC (for HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and viral hepatitis B and C)

Link to Notifiable Disease and Pregnancy to report a pregnancy and HIV, hepatitis B, and/or Syphilis

Link Postnatal Hepatitis B and HBIG Reporting form

TB Case Report Form 
     District laboratories are required to report all positive acid fast bacilli (AFB) results whenever determined by
      smear, culture, or otherwise.)

  • All other notifiable diseases and conditions should be reported to the DC Health Division of Epidemiology-Disease Surveillance and Investigation (DE-DSI) electronically using DC Reporting and Surveillance Center (DCRC), our online reporting system.

           ► Submit a COVID-19 Reporting Form by visiting the COVID-19 Reporting Requirements page

► Submit a Notifiable Disease and Condition Case Report Form online using DCRC 

             ► Submit a Zika Test Request and Reporting Form online using DCRC

           ► Submit an Animal Bite Report Form online using DCRC

           ► Submit a COVID-19 related Death

  Note:The electronic DCRC Notifiable Disease and Condition Case Report Form replaces the Communicable Disease Case Report Form [PDF], a paper form that was previously used to report cases to DE-DSI.

Additional Information for Healthcare Providers

  • Health Notices - DE-DSI shares important information and updates on diseases and issues of public health significance in these notices

Division of Epidemiology-Disease Surveillance and Investigation Activities

Please contact DE-DSI at [email protected] with any questions regarding our infectious disease surveillance activities.

Use the links below to learn more about specific diseases and conditions or health topics:

Contact TTY: