About the Commission
The Washington, DC Regional Planning Commission on Health and HIV (COHAH) will serve as the new regional planning body for HIV prevention and care services in the federally defined Washington, DC Eligible Metropolitan Area (EMA) or “Region”.
The Commission offers a new, exciting opportunity for community and government to work together to improve the health and well-being of persons living with HIV and support persons from getting HIV.
With the advances and synergy in HIV prevention and care, the two former planning groups, the DC HIV Prevention Planning Group (HPPG) and the Metropolitan Washington Regional Ryan White Planning Council (RWPC) agreed to merge paving the way for an integrated prevention and care service planning body. They recognized that integrated planning would achieve a more coordinated, effective, regional response to the HIV continuum of services.
Please contact the COHAH Representative or call (202) 671-4930 for more information.
Membership Application [PDF] New Commission Application
If you would like a different version of the application or if you have questions,
please email the COHAH Representative.
Meeting Schedule [PDF]
Meeting location is at the Department of Health HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis, STD, and TB Administration (HAHSTA), unless otherwise indicated. The Commission makes every attempt to immediately notify the public of cancellations, rescheduling, and relocations.