Every 5 years, the Title V program is required to complete a Needs Assessment to get a comprehensive understanding of the barriers that women, mothers, and children in the District face that prevent them from leading healthy lives as well as determine the factors that positively influence their lives to allow families to thrive to their fullest potential. The Needs Assessment allows the Agency to identify the community needs and prioritize the types of programs Title V will fund to address these specific needs.
Title V 2021-2025 Maternal and Child Health Needs Assessment Summary
Other Resources
- 2016-2020 Title V Needs Assessment
- Health Equity Report 2018 (summary and full report)
- Perinatal Health
- 2018 DC Primary Care Needs Assessment
- Health Systems Plan 2017
- Perinatal Health and Infant Mortality Report 2018
- Community Health Needs Assessment 2014
- MIECHV Needs Assessment