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DC Health

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EMS Committees

DC Health employs committees to help direct the regulation of the District of Columbia EMS (Emergency Medical Services) system. These vital groups ensure effective operation and development of the EMS system.

Here is how DC Health utilizes these committees:

  • Operations Directors Committee: Comprised of representatives from various DC agencies as well as DC Health EMS system representatives. This committee helps tackle issues or concerns associated with the EMS system operations. This could involve discussing EMS agencies' challenges, recognizing room for improvement, or exchanging information regarding effective practices. Sub Committees - Mobile Integrated Health, EMS Scope of Practice, Commercial EMS Agencies, Personnel Credentialing
  • EMS Medical Directors Committee: This committee's crucial task involves providing guidance and suggestions to DC Health about EMS practice scope, policies, and protocols. Their mission is to guarantee these regulations are evidence-based, functional, and aligned with pre-hospital care top practices. Committee members apply their expertise and experience to shape policies governing DC’s EMS system. They urgently advise DC Health to ensure that EMS system regulations are practical and responsive to the needs of the EMS community and their patients.
  • Education Institute Stakeholder Meetings: The DC Health EMS program uses the EMS Education Stakeholder Committee to provide regulation advice for the DC EMS system. Comprised of professionals in the EMS education field, including EMS education program directors and EMS Educational Institution Medical Directors. They mainly advise DC Health on matters associated with EMS schooling and training. This collaboration entails participating with DC Health on national, state, and local projects and regulatory changes, promoting the evolution of the EMS teaching system in the district, and allowing an extensive approach towards EMS system regulation.

These committees allow a cooperative approach to decision-making, where various stakeholders contribute their expertise and viewpoints. Thanks to these committees' participation, DC Health ensures the regulation and functioning of the EMS system are in line with best practices, standards, and the needs of the DC EMS community.