
Get information on DOH's Board of Nursing license and certification requirements, regulations and process as well as important resources for candidates. Go to Pearson Vue Credential Management System to apply for Nurse Aide examination, endorsement, or renewal.

The Chemistry section analyzes blood specimens for lead levels. The Chemical Terrorism section provides emergency response to suspected and actual chemical terrorism events.

The Intermediate Care Facilities Division regulates child-placing agencies and provides information and applications for licensing, incident reporting and a child placement agency directory.

View an alphabetical listing of reports from licensure surveys conducted on child placing agencies.

The Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN) Program aims to improve the health outcomes by ensuring their access to coordinated primary and specialty health care and other services in partnership with their families and community organizations

The Foodborne Disease Surveillance program is responsible for the surveillance and investigation of foodborne outbreaks and enteric diseases within the District of Columbia.

DC Health College Student Internship Program (DOHCSIP) enhances the educational aspects of the career development process, provides a system of accountability and professionalism and provides an opportunity for students to test their aptitude for, or interest in a selected field.

WIC Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) and the Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) provides fresh vegetables and fruit to women, children and seniors who are nutritionally at risk and to expand the awareness and use of farmers’ market.

The Health and Intermediate Care Facility reviews all application documents and forms to determine if the requirements are met for site survey and ultimately facility licensure.

The Pharmaceutical Control Division (PCD) licenses and regulates pharmacies, pharmaceutical manufacturers, pharmaceutical distributors and suppliers. PCD also administers the District’s controlled substances registration program, which registers health professionals, pharmacies, and health facilities that receive, dispense and prescribe controlled substances in the District.

View the requirements and regulations regarding criminal background checks for applicants for an initial license, registration, or certification; renewal of a license, registration, or certification; reinstatement of a license registration or certification; or person going from an inactive status to active status.

DOH compiles and reports public health and safety data and statistics to help determine which diseases and illnesses need attention in the District of Columbia communities.

The DC Cancer Coalition is comprised of over 30 organizations and counting, and consists of non-profits, health systems, academia, and government agencies.

DC’s Health Professional Loan Repayment Program provides loan repayment to eligible District providers practicing in certified "Service Obligation Sites" for contract periods of two to four years.

Use our Telephone Directory to connect more quickly and directly to the service division you need.

Healthy Start is a free program for pregnant and parenting mothers and fathers in Wards 5, 6, 7 and 8. Services include free pregnancy testing, screening for depression, substance abuse or domestic violence, support and education services and case management.

The Lactation Commission has been established to make recommendations to the Mayor of the District of Columbia and the Department of Health regarding legislative, programmatic, and policy ways to improve the District’s strategies to reduce infant mortality and increase infant and child heal