Title 17 Business, Occupations and Professions
Administrative Rules - DCMR Chapter 41 [PDF]
General Rules - DCMR Chapter 40 [PDF]
Licensed, Registered, or Certified Health Professional Criminal Background Check -DCMR Chapter 85 [PDF]
Please select the profession in which you are interested from the list below:
- Access Rx [PDF]
- Acupuncture [PDF]
- Addiction Counselors [PDF]
- Adverse Events [PDF]
- Anesthesiologist Assistants [PDF]
- Audiology [PDF]
- Certified Registered Nurse-Anesthetists [PDF]
- Chiropractors [PDF]
- Clinical Nurse Specialist [PDF]
- Dance Therapy [PDF]
- Dental Hygiene [PDF]
- Dentistry [PDF]
- Dental Assistants [PDF]
- Dietetics [PDF]
- Marriage and Family Therapy [PDF]
- Massage Therapy [PDF]
- Medicine [PDF]
- Naturopathic Medicine [PDF]
- Nurse-Midwives [PDF]
- Nurse Practitioners [PDF]
- Nursing
- Nursing Home Administration [PDF]
- Nursing Schools and Programs [PDF]
- Nurse Staffing Agencies [PDF]
- Nutrition [PDF]
- Occupational Therapy [PDF]
- Optometry [PDF]
- Pharmacy
- Physical Therapy [PDF]
- Physical Therapist Assistants [PDF]
- Physician Assistants [PDF]
- Practical Nursing [PDF]
- Podiatry [PDF]
- Polysomnography [PDF]
- Professional Counseling [PDF]
- Psychology [PDF]
- Recreation Therapy [PDF]
- Registered Nurse [PDF]
- Respiratory Care [PDF]
- SafeRX Pharmaceutical Detailers [PDF]
- Social Work [PDF]
- Speech-Language Pathology [PDF]
- Surgical Assistants [PDF]
- Trained Medication Employee [PDF]
- Veterinary Regulations
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