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Cancer Registry

The District of Columbia Cancer Registry (DCCR) is a population based incidence data system maintained by the District of Columbia Department of Health (DC Health). The major functions of a central cancer registry system are to track trends in cancer incidence, identify differences in cancer incidence by age, gender or race, examine the carcinogenic effects of environmental agents, uncover geographical differences in cancer incidence, and provide a systematic basis for conducting broad-based programs in cancer prevention and control throughout the District.

The mission of the DCCR is to promote a reduction in the cancer rates of District residents through: (1) effective cancer surveillance and epidemiological evaluations, (2) the formulation and presentation of sound epidemiological data for the promotion of effective public education and awareness programs regarding early detection and preventive health measures, (3) the provision of analytical cancer data for implementing targeted cancer screening initiatives in the at-risk, under-insured segments of the District, and (4) conduct epidemiological research for understanding the etiology, spatial and temporal trends in the levels of cancer among District residents.

The main source for most cancer data in the District is  from acute care hospitals and other reporting agencies mandated under the existing law (Rule: 22-B215).  Additional reporting sources such as cancer treatment centers, i.e. radiation, hematology/oncology, ambulatory surgical centers and physician clinics, such as Dermatology, Urology, long-term care facilities (nursing homes and hospices) and pathology labs are becoming increasing essential for ensuring complete, high quality cancer incidence data. The DCCR is also part of a reciprocal exchange agreement with neighboring states to help capture all occurrences of cancer among District residents that are diagnosed and or treated for cancer.


  • Collects cancer data that are compliant with required NPCR data elements;
  • Meets standard requirements designated by NPCR and NAACCR for cancer incidence reporting;
  • Assists in determining data quality by performing quality assurance procedures to ensure completeness, timeliness and accuracy which contributes to success of the surveillance programs at DC Health;
  • Provides useful information, feedback and assistance to submitting facilities;
  • Assists in the design and implementation of control and prevention initiatives to reduce the high rates of cancer mortality among District residents by placing a focus on treatable or preventable cancers such as breast, cervical, lung, prostate and colorectal malignancy;

Monitors the levels and trends in cancer incidence and mortality among District residents and distributes the findings to the community, researchers, intervention strategists and policy makers in the District of Columbia. The activities of the DCCR are made possible by a cooperative agreement with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), National Cancer Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR).



Service Contact: 
Claudine Samanic, PhD
Contact Email: 
Contact Phone: 
(202) 309-1340
Contact Fax: 
Contact TTY: 
Contact Suite #: 
3rd Floor
Office Hours: 
Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
Service Location: 

Health, Department of

GIS Address: 
2201 Shannon Place SE