The Places of Worship Advisory Board produces Speak On It, conversations that speak to the issues relevant to DMV Faith Communities.
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Podcasts Episodes:
- Speak On It Podcast:
Special Featured Guest Mr. Floyd Nelson Director of Communication and Publication of American Correctional Association, 5 year and 1 month. Presently lives in Africa please tune in for his surprising new life.
Host for this Episode of SPEAK on It Podcast Rev. Darryl! Moch and Executive Producer Charis Ferguson. - Speak On It Podcast:
POWAB DMV Celebration of Greatness 2021 - Speak On It Podcast
POWAB partners with Mr. Martin Luther King III, Dr. Keith Jennings, and Georgy T. Moore - Speak On It Podcast:
Women's Empowerment for Health & Wellness: Spiritual POWAB Activities -Surviving and Thriving! - Speak On It Podcast Part One: (One in the Spirit Conference)
POWAB, Places Of Worship Advisory Board presents special podcast on healthy living and self-care for spiritual leaders in the Washington D.C. community. - Speak On It Podcast Part Two: (On in the Sprit Conference)
POWAB, Places Of Worship Advisory Board presents special podcast on healthy living and self-care for spiritual leaders in the Washington D.C. community. - Speak On It Podcast:
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination - Speak On It Podcast:
Honor's Martin Luther King, Jr. Tribute: His Life and Legacy