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DC Health

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Trichomoniasis is a common sexually transmitted disease that is caused by a single-celled, protozoan parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis. The infection can be transmitted from person to person during unprotected vaginal sex. It can also be transmitted during vulva to vulva contact with an infected partner. Pregnant women who have trichomoniasis may have babies who are born early or with low birth weight.



  • Most men have no symptoms of the infection.
  • Some men may have irritation inside the penis, mild discharge, or a mild burning sensation after urination.


  • Vaginal discharge that is usually foamy and foul smelling
  • Vaginal itching and irritation
  • Redness and swelling on the outside of vaginal area
  • Pain when having sex


  • Trichomoniasis can be identified in female patients by viewing the sample of discharge under the microscope. 


  • Trichomoniasis is commonly treated by an antibiotic called Flagyl (Metronidazole). This medication interacts with alcohol and can cause unpleasant side effects.

Prevention Tips

  • Avoid unprotected sexual contact. Always use condoms.
  • Have only one sex partner.
  • If you are treated for trichomoniasis, notify your sex partners to avoid re-infection.
  • If you have questions or think you may have Trichomoniasis, stop having sex and come to the DC Health and Wellness Center for a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL assessment.