When: Thursday, May 25, 2017, 10 am
Where: DOH Headquarters, 899 North Capitol Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002, 6th Floor, Room 6002
To Testify: contact the State Health Planning and Development Agency by Wednesday, May 24, 2017 by 4:45pm at 202 442-5875.
Each person testifying will be allowed up to 5 minutes. Testimony may also be submitted in writing before the hearing, or they may be presented at the hearing orally and/or in writing.
The primary purpose of the Health Systems Plan (HSP) is to serve as a roadmap for the development of a comprehensive, accessible and equitable health care system capable of providing the highest quality services in a cost effective manner to those who live and work in Washington, DC. The HSP is informed by a comprehensive needs assessment that clarifies community need, barriers to care, unmet service need, provider capacity, and service gaps across all health service categories.