The Mayor appoints the board members, including the chair. The Board consists of seven DC residents: five licensed pharmacists and two consumers. The pharmacists must have been engaged in practice for at least three years preceding appointment. The consumers must be at least 18 years old, not be health professionals or in training to become one, and may have no household member who is involved directly or indirectly in providing health care. Board members are appointed for a term of 3 years. Members may be appointed for two (2) consecutive terms.
Dr. Allison Hill, PharmD, RPh.
Dr. Benjamin Miles, PharmD, RPh.
Dr. Ashlee Bow, PharmD, RPh.
Dr. Jamila Jorden, PharmD, RPh.
Mr. Rodrick McGill, Esq.
Consumer Member
Interested in serving as a member of the Board of Pharmacy? Contact the Mayor’s Office of Boards and Commissions.