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DC Health

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District Health Officials Warn Consumers about ‘Baczol’ Anti-Flu Product

Thursday, September 5, 2013

(Washington, D.C.) – The DC Department of Health (DOH) advises residents not to consume or purchase the products Baczol, Pediatric Baczol or Baczol Antigripal. Baczol Suspension, manufactured in Central America, is marketed to treat symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections. Some Baczol preparations contain the ingredients Trimethoprim and Sulfamethoxazole that are prescription-only products in the United States. The undeclared ingredients can cause life threatening skin reactions as well as potentially fatal side-effects. 
Health officials recently became aware that these products are being sold over the counter in convenience stores and markets. Baczol contains an anti-biotic medicine and should only be taken when prescribed by a licensed physician. Stores and markets should not sell these products in the District of Columbia.
If you have consumed any Baczol products:

  • Stop taking the product immediately.
  • Dispose of the product.
  • Talk with your physician.

To properly dispose prescription drugs:

  •     Remove prescription drugs from their original containers.
  •     Mix drugs with an undesirable substance, such as cat litter or used coffee grounds.
  •     Put the mixture into a disposable container, such as an empty margarine tub or sealable bag.
  •     Conceal or remove any personal information, including the prescription number, on the empty containers by scratching it off or covering it with black permanent marker or duct tape.
  •     Place the sealed container with the mixture and the empty drug containers in the trash.  

If you have consumed any Baczol product and begin to experience unusual or negative side effects contact your physician immediately or call 911.