0-6 months
Standard formulas:
Similac Advance
Similac Sensitive
Similac Isomil Advance
6-12 months
Juice and cereal are introduced to the infant at 6 months.
Approximate Cost Benefit - $144.00
Fully Breast-Feeding Women
28 quarts milk
1 lb. cheese
2½ dozen eggs
7 46-oz. cans juice
36 oz. cereal
1 lb. dried beans/peas or 18 oz. peanut butter
2 lbs. carrots
4 6-1/8 oz. cans water-packed tuna
Approximate Cost Benefit - $113.00
Non-Breast-Feeding Participant
24 quarts milk
2½ dozen eggs
36 oz. cereal
4 46-oz. cans juice
Approximate Cost Benefit - $79.00
Pregnant Women
28 quarts milk
2½ dozen eggs
36 oz. cereal
1 lb. cheese
6 46-oz. cans juice
1 lb. dry beans/peas or
18 oz. peanut butter
Approximate Cost Benefit - $93.00
Children (1-5 Years Old)
22 quarts milk
2½ dozen eggs
6 46-oz. cans juice
36 oz. cereal
18 oz. peanut butter
1 lb. cheese
Approximate Cost Benefit - $89.00
19 quarts milk
1 lb. cheese
2½ dozen eggs
6 46-oz. cans juice
36 oz. cereal
1 lb. beans/peas
Approximate Cost Benefit - $80.00