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District of Columbia Immunization Practices Advisory Committee (IPAC)

Purpose Statement

A collaboration of representatives from clinical settings, public health, health plans, professional organizations, educational institutions, community-based organizations and others invested in the prevention and control of vaccine-preventable diseases in the District of Columbia.

  • To advise the DOH in planning, implementing and evaluating immunization activities;
  • To provide leadership in communicating and disseminating information to enhance immunization education, awareness, advocacy, and;
  • To provide feedback and support for new immunization initiatives.


In January 2001, the DC Public Schools (DCPS) Immunization Task Force was formed to address the high immunization non-compliance rate among DCPS students. The charge for the committee was later held by the DC Department of Healthcare Finance (DHCF) and was focused on increasing immunization compliance among the District’s Medicaid participants. In December 2015, the DC Department of Health worked with multiple stakeholders to establish the DC Immunization Practices Advisory Committee (IPAC) which will focus on immunizations across the lifespan.

Operating Procedures

Roles and Responsibilities


Voting Membership

Voting Membership of the Advisory Committee will include statewide representation with a commitment to diversity from individuals who have a professional investment in providing best practices as it relates to immunization services. Specifically, the Advisory Committee shall include representation from, but not limited to, the following groups:

  • Adolescent health care provider
  • Adult medical practice provider
  • American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), DC Chapter
  • American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), DC Chapter
  • Community-based organizations
  • DC Board of  Pharmacy
  • DC Department of Health Leadership
  • DC Department of Healthcare Finance Leadership
  • DC Nurses Association (DCNA)
  • DC Primary Care Association (DCPCA)
  • DC Public Schools Leadership
  • District of Columbia Association of Health Plans (DCAHP)
  • District of Columbia School Nurses Association (NASN)
  • Major medical, educational institution
  • National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates and Practitioners (NAPNAP)
  • Officer of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) Leadership Organizations representing diverse racial and ethnic cultures
  • Private medical practice provider
  • University/College health services representative


Voting Organization

Audrey Williams

DC Public Charter School Board

Charlissa Quick

DOH, School Health Division

Clement Idun


Cynthia Pellegrini

March of Dimes

Dr. Diana Lapp

Unity Health Care

Diana Bruce

DC Public Schools

Davene White

Howard University

Felecia Stovall

DC Health Care Finance

Gwendolyn Young

DC Primary Care Association

Judy Brinckerhoff

Private School Nurse, National Association of School Nurses

Elizabeth McDermott

Private School Nurse, National Association of School Nurses

Dr. Lavdena Orr, Chair-Elect

Private Community Practitioner

Dr. Linda Fu, Chair

Dr. Nancy Schoenfeld

American Academy of Pediatrics, DC Chapter

Dr. Mark Weissman

Children’s National Medical Center

Nancy Ejuma Rodriquez

DOH Immunization Program

Rich Greenaway

Dena Penner

Immunization Coalition of Washington, DC

Dr. Walter Faggett

DC Medical Association

Liaison Membership

Liaison membership comes from a variety of health care professions (e.g., physicians, nurses, local health officials) who have a professional investment in providing best practices in immunization services.  Members also represent a variety of organizations including K-12 and post-secondary schools, health care, and public health.  Each liaison member is required to participate on one (1) of the eight (8) IPAC Subcommittees.

Subcommittees (Liaison Members)


Chair and Chair-Elect


 Newborn and Early Childhood (Ages 0-4)

Donna Sheler,  Childhood Immunization Coordinator, DOHIP

Jessica Duncan, Health Specialist, DCPS Head Start


School Age (Ages 5-18)

LaJuan Gorham, School Health Liaison, DOH School Health Division

Elizabeth McDermott, School Nurse, Georgetown Day School


Adult (Ages 19-64)

Kim Greenwood, Adult Immunization Coordinator, DOHIP

Ledwin Eyoyibo, Public Health Analyst, DOHIP


Older Adult (Age 65+)

Jennifer Thomas, Project Lead Medication Safety/Quality-Immunizations, Delmarva Foundation

Jackie Robinson, Public Health Analyst, DOHIP


Immunization Providers

Jacob Mbafor, VFC Coordinator, DOHIP


Insurers (DHCF and Private Health Plans)

Rosie McLaren, CDC Public Health Advisor, DOHIP



Ezra “OJ” Balijar, Data Systems Coordinator DOHIP

Viraj Shetty IT Consultant, DOH Information Technology


Emergency Preparedness

Sharon Pellum, Special Operations Coordinator, DOH HEPRA

Fawad Ahmed, IT Project Manager, DOHIP

IPAC Fact Sheet


The Immunization Practices Advisory Committee (IPAC) meets quarterly to discuss immunization practice-related issues and to develop recommendations and guidance.

  • Thursday, April 14, 2016
  • Thursday, June 30, 2016
  • Thursday, September 29, 2016
  • Thursday, December 15, 2016

Time:                    10:00 am – 12:00 noon

Location:             Department of Health, Immunization Program

                              77 P Street NE

Conflict of Interest Policy

In order for the Department of Health to pursue its mission and to maintain its reputation with the public and health care providers, it is important that the decisions and actions of the Immunization Practices Advisory Committee (IPAC) not be duly influenced by the special interests of individual members.

Accordingly, the IPAC has adopted the following Conflict of Interest Policy:

Decisions made by committee members should always be based solely on the best interest of the department and the citizens of the District of Columbia.  Decisions should not be influenced by personal financial interest or by other extraneous considerations.  Any affiliation with an organization having fundamental goals that conflict with the department and IPAC mission should be avoided.  Any current, previous (within two years), or potential future conflict of interest should be disclosed at the beginning of each IPAC meeting.

A potential conflict of interest exists when a committee member has a relationship or engages in any activity, or has any personal financial interest which might impair his/her independence or judgment or inappropriately influences his/her decisions or actions concerning IPAC matters.

A potential conflict of interest exists and should be disclosed if the committee member:

  • Has a relationship with an entity that benefits financially from the sale of vaccines, such as a consultancy, servicing on a speakers bureau, receiving honoraria, research, and/or travel support.
  • Owns a material financial interest in any business that provides or seeks to provide goods or services to the department.
  • Serves as an officer or participates on the board or committees of other related professional societies that receive direct financial benefit from the sale of vaccines.
  • Has an affiliation with an organization that has a financial interest in IPAC recommendations.
  • Has an affiliation with an organization that has a competing activity.

Each committee member has a high duty and obligation to disclose to the entire committee any potential conflict of interest and to abstain from any decision where a significant conflict of interest exists.  Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the entire committee to determine what, if any, limitations on activities concerning the committee member’s conflict are required to protect the IPAC.


IPAC members can collaborate, manage tasks, projects, and documents in a secure cloud-based workspace by using “Huddle”,

District of Columbia Department of Health -

DC Department of Health Immunization Program -

Immunization Action Coalition (IAC) -

Every Child By Two (ECBT) –

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention –


Contacts for IPAC Members

Jacquelyn Campbell, RN, CPNP

Nurse Specialist/ Clinical Services Coordinator

IPAC Coordinator

77 P Street, NE

Washington, DC 20002

Phone:  (202) 576-9324

Fax:  (202) 654-6169

Email:  [email protected]


Dena Penner

Every Child by Two/Immunization Coalition of Washington, DC

IPAC Subcommittee Coordinator

1233 20th Street, NW, Suite 403

Washington, DC  20036

Phone:  (202) 783-7034

Fax:  (202) 783-7042

Email:  [email protected]