Does your organization receive HAHSTA Ryan White funding? NEW!
CME/CEU Opportunities and Webinars
FREE Live, Online Trainings for the DC Metropolitan Area
Some courses may require prerequisites
- Implementing Cultural Competency and Cultural Humility in the HIV Workforce
Registration and Information
- ARTAS (Anti-Retroviral Treatment and Access to Medication)
Locations and times
- Fundamentals of Motivational Interviewing for HIV
Other locations and times for this training.
- Implementing HIV Prevention Programs for Transgender Women
Other locations and times for this training.
Click HERE for more information and registration information.
- HIV Data to Engagement: Heroes Wanted to Stop HIV transmission
Click HERE for more Information
- HIV Testing in Nonclinical Settings
Click HERE for more information about this course.
- NARCAN® (Naloxone HCI) Training
CLICK HERE to register for the Opioid Overdose Prevention & Naloxone Education (Community) Course.
If you have questions please email
- OraQuick Advance HIV-1/2 Rapid Test Workshop - Virtual
Click HERE for course description and registration.
- OraQuick Advance HCV Test Workshop - Virtual
Click HERE for course description and registration
- Sister-to-Sister: Take Control of Your Health (TCYH) Virtual Instructor-led Training
Click HERE for course description and registration.
- Social Network Strategy (SNS) for HIV Testing Recruitment
Contact the HAHSTA Training Coordinator for more information.
Social Network Strategy (SNS) is an evidence-supported approach to engage and motivate a person to accept HIV testing. This approach is based on the underlying principle that persons within the same social network who know, trust, and can exert influence on each other share similar HIV risk behaviors. SNS is particularly useful to recruit marginalized and/or hidden persons at risk for HIV.
HIV.GOV Learning Opportunities: On-line Conferences and Webinars
Training for Nonprofits and Government Agencies
- One Idea Per Line: A Guide to Making Easy-Read Resources
On-line Training Guide
Mid-Atlantic Regional Public Health Trainings