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Medicine Disciplinary Actions - 2013


Kirchhoff, Gary T. (4/24/2013) - The physician’s license was revoked based on an Army action revoking his privileges and an Illinois reciprocal action.  The actions were due to standard of care issues related to his administering of anesthesia.

Salerian, Alen J. (7/1/2013) - The physician's license was revoked.


Revoked by Surrender

Jackson, Lewis (1/30/13) – The physician’s license was surrendered, then revoked based on criminal charges in the District of Columbia and Georgia, related to sexual abuse of inmates.

Jackson, Lewis (2/14/13) – The physician’s license was surrendered, then revoked based on criminal charges in the District of Columbia and Georgia, related to sexual abuse of inmates.

O'brien, Stephen (P.A.) (6/13/2013) - The physician’s license was surrendered, then revoked based on charges of violating a private order that required CME.

Schwartzberg, Allen A. (5/16/2013) - The physician surrendered his license in lieu of further action, based on reciprocal action regarding Maryland’s summary suspension.  Maryland’s action was related to a patient complaint and evaluations that revealed cognitive dysfunction.

Dickey, Robert P. (7/30/13) – The physician’s license was surrendered, then revoked based on charges related to an arrest and US District Court charges of child pornography.

Ghattas, Richard J. (8/2/13) – The physician’s license was surrendered, then revoked based on reciprocal charges related to his surrender his Maryland license. 

Miller, Louis (11/14/13) – The physician’s license was surrendered, then revoked based on failure of the 2012 CME audit during the renewal cycle. 


Summarily Suspended

Mirczak, John A. (4/17/2013) - The physician's license was summarily suspended.

Johnson, Desmond (6/24/2013) - The physician’s license was summarily suspended, based on Maryland’s summary suspension for inappropriate prescribing of controlled substances.

Basco, Michael (7/10/2013) - The physician’s license was summarily suspended, based on a complaint/notification of a Maryland summary suspension for operating an unsafe abortion clinic, and a patient death.

Yu, Benson W. (10/4/13) – The physician’s license was summarily suspended, based on a Virginia action regarding inappropriate prescribing of controlled substances.

Greene, Peter (10/29/13) - The physician’s license was summarily suspended, based on a violation of his probation order requiring substance abuse treatment and monitoring. 

Willis, Lillian V. (11/7/13) – The physician assistant’s license was summarily suspended, based her independent practice without a supervising physician or delegation agreement in place.

Menghisteab, Freweni (11/7/13) - The physician assistant’s license was summarily suspended, based her independent practice without a supervising physician or delegation agreement in place.



Johnson, Desmond F. (9/17/13) – The physician’s license was suspended for 90 days, then placed on probation, restricted from the practice of pain management and prescribing controlled substances, and ordered to take CME—all based on a Maryland action for inappropriate prescribing of controlled substances.



Okoji, Godwill (1/10/13) – The physician’s license was reprimanded and placed on probation based on a Maryland action related to unprofessional conduct (allowing the use of pre-signed prescriptions). 

Match, Joel (1/10/13) – The physician’s license was placed on probation, along with a permanent restriction from assessing, treating, managing, prescribing to, or consulting with patients with chronic pain, and is prohibited from supervising the treatment of such patients by other healthcare providers. 

Mahon, Melvyn (1/30/13) – The physician’s 6/26/12 Order was amended, based on the Arizona amended sanction. Penalty is now Reprimand and Probation with practice monitoring.

Debra, Kwasi (1/29/13) – The physician’s license was placed on probation with terms, based on a Maryland action for unprofessional conduct, willfully making or filing a false report, and failure to keep adequate medical records.

Lahr, Daniel (2/27/13) – The physician’s license was reprimanded and placed on probation with terms requiring compliance with the Maryland Board order, employment reporting, and medical ethics and professional relations course, until Maryland order is terminated.

Hankerson, James (3/14/2013) - The physician was reprimanded and placed on probation with terms and conditions (course in record keeping) based on a 5/2012 Florida action related to a wrong site or unauthorized procedure and inaccurate record keeping.

Fischer, David J. (4/19/2013) - The physician’s license was reprimanded and placed on probation with terms, based on a Maryland action related to inappropriate prescribing to family members.

Wright, Mofikpara (5/17/2013) - The physician’s license was reprimanded and placed on probation with terms, based on a Maryland action related to failure to meet the standard for acceptable conduct, failure to meet the standard for quality surgical care, and failure to keep adequate medical records.

Akhigbe, Ehigiator (5/17/2013) - Re-application of the physician’s license is permitted subject to conditions:  probation, fines, community service, pass the SPEX examination, CME, and clinical and business monitoring.

Jones, Deborah (5/13/2013) - The physician’s license was reprimanded and placed on indefinite probation with terms, based on a Virginia action related to the death of an incarcerated patient.

Johnson, Desmond F. (9/17/13) – The physician’s license was suspended for 90 days, then placed on probation, restricted from the practice of pain management and prescribing controlled substances, and ordered to take CME—all based on a Maryland action for inappropriate prescribing of controlled substances.


Nnawuchi, Ikechi (1/10/13) – The physician was fined for failing to comply with a previous private consent order in a timely manner.

Gerald, Melvin (4/11/2013) - The physician was fined and ordered to take CME regarding billing and record keeping, based on SOC issues related to a nursing home patient.

Sorem, Kevin (3/26/2013) - The physician assistant was fined and ordered to take CME regarding billing and record keeping, based on SOC issues related to a nursing home patient.

Clark, Barry (3/14/2013) - The physician was reprimanded, fined, and required to take courses in proper prescribing of controlled substances, based on a 2011 Virginia action related to aiding and abetting unlicensed practice of medispa procedures, and prescription violations.

Elamin, Fuad (6/21/2013) - The physician was fined, reprimanded, and required to update his physician profile, based on failure to respond to inquiries of the Board.

Ang, Joel (6/25/2013) - The physician was fined and required to take CME courses in practice management, ethics, and record keeping, and undergo practice monitoring, based on a complaint regarding incorrect diagnoses and records.

Panch, Sandhya (7/26/13) – The physician was fined for practicing with an expired license, and late renewal.

Fisher, Barry (7/26/13) – The physician was fined for practicing with an expired license, and late renewal.

Bosch, Juan (9/25/13) – The physician was fined and required to complete CME courses, for failure to comply with the Board’s CME audit during renewal.

Lateef, Tarannum (9/25/13) – The physician was fined and required to complete CME courses, for failure to comply with the Board’s CME audit during renewal.

Waterman, Daniel H. (10/30/13) - The physician was fined and required to complete CME courses, for failure to comply with the Board’s CME audit during renewal.

Adams, Roscoe (11/14/13) – The physician was fined for failure to respond to an Order To Answer of the Board, regarding a patient complaint. 



Baecher, Nicholai (3/14/2013) - The physician was reprimanded and required to take a course in professional ethics, based on a 8/2012 Virginia action related to inappropriate prescribing to friends.

Gupta, Renuka (11/14/13) – The physician was reprimanded based on a Maryland action for unprofessional conduct and violations of their dispensing and labeling requirements, related to a patient complaint.  


Orders Terminated

Cohen, Joel (4/11/213) - The physician’s 2007 Consent order was terminated due to full compliance and satisfaction of the terms.



Bayme, Lloyd (2/14/2013) - The physician’s application for licensure was denied based on his criminal history and multiple Board actions in other states, related to prescribing issues and criminal sale of controlled substances.



Carregal, Valerie Augello (2/22/13) – The physician was required to take CME courses, provide a corrective action plan, and submit to a random office audit, based on a patient complaint of HIPAA violations.

Srivastava, Pradeep (3/14/2013) - The physician’s license was reinstated with practice supervision terms, board recertification, and course work in medical ethics, internal medicine, and cardiology – based a 2009 criminal conviction for tax evasion and subsequent prison term.

Okafor, Ndubuisi  J. (5/22/2013) - The physician’s license was reinstated with terms and conditions for a re-entry plan (SPEX, CME, supervision).

King, Dwight (5/22/2013) - The physician’s license was reinstated with terms and conditions for a re-entry plan (SPEX, CME, supervision).

Mussenden, Philip (7/31/13) – The physician was required to take CME courses, based on documentation and ethics issues.

Greene, Peter (11/25/13) – The summary suspension issued 10/29/13 for violation of the Board’s 11/28/12 probation order was vacated by the Court on 11/25/13. 

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