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Medicine Disciplinary Actions - 2009

2009 Orders

Summarily Suspended

Obeng, Simeon (M.D.) (4/17/09) The physician’s DC medical license was summarily suspended effective 4/17/09 as a result of inappropriately administering a medication to a patient, which caused the patient’s death.  The physician’s conduct represents an imminent danger to the citizens of the District of Columbia.

Brown, Emmanuel (M.D.) (4/17/09) The physician’s DC medical license was summarily suspended effective 4/17/09 as a result of inappropriately administering a medication to a patient, which caused the patient’s death.  The physician’s conduct represents an imminent danger to the citizens of the District of Columbia.

Long, Sammie (M.D.) (5/4/09) The physician’s D.C. medical license was summarily suspended effective 5/4/09 as a result of being terminated from employment for multiple instances of substandard care.  The physician’s conduct represents an imminent danger to the citizens of the District of Columbia.


Stillions, Duane (M.D.) (10/9/09) The physician’s D.C. medical license was suspended effective 10/9/09 for a period of two (2) years as a result of his substance abuse relapse and non compliance with his PHP program and loss of privileges at his place of employment controlled substance theft and use.

Pooya, Manoochehr (M.D.) (12/23/09)  The physicians D.C. medical license was suspended effective 12/23/09 for a period of four years retroactive to 11/7/07, as a result of his criminal charges for misdemeanor sexual assault by the Superior Court for D.C.


Obeng, Simeon (M.D.) (5/5/09) The physician’s DC medical license was suspended retroactive to 4/17/09, and then placed on probation as of 5/6/09 as a result of inappropriately administering a medication to a patient, which caused the patient’s death.

Brown, Emmanuel (M.D.) (5/5/09) The physician’s DC medical license was suspended retroactive to 4/17/09, and then placed on probation as of 5/6/09 as a result of inappropriately administering a medication to a patient, which caused the patient’s death.

Brown, Jr., William (M.D.) (9/3/09)  The physician’s previous summary suspension is lifted, and he is now placed on probation with prescribing restrictions and practice monitoring.

Ganz, Joel (M.D.)  (11/2/09)   The physician’s medical license was placed on probation for a period of 2 years retroactive to 1/21/2009, and fined for having criminal action taken regarding obstruction of a criminal investigation.

Hackney, David T. (M.D.) (6/27/09)  The physician’s medical license was reinstated from the 3/28/07 revocation, and now placed on probation, during which he is restricted from prescribing controlled substances.

Carandang, Francis R. (M.D.) (12/16/09)  The physician was disciplined for actions by another state board, and is required to comply fully with his California Order.  If the physician returns to D.C. while still under the California probation, he will be placed on probation in D.C. for the duration of the California Order. 


Richards, John M. (M.D.) (2/25/09) The physician was fined by consent order for not replying to a Board Order to Answer within the required timeframe.

Chakraborty, Soma (M.D.) (5/7/09) The physician was fined and reprimanded for failure to respond to a Board Order To Answer.

Wu, Jane (P.A.) (4/21/09) The physician was fined for failure to update her job description and writing a prescription without the printed name of a current supervising physician on it.

Srivastava, Pradeep (M.D.) (8/31/09)  The physician was fined and reprimanded for not responding truthfully to renewal application questions.

Zaslow, Ely* (M.D.) (10/8/09)  The physician was fined and reprimanded for failing to report disciplinary action taken by another state.

Drew, Christopher (M.D.) (11/5/09)  The physiciain was fined for having been disciplined by the military for possession/transporting controlled substances.

Jackson, Hampton J. (M.D.) (12/9/09)  The physician was fined and reprimanded for having disciplinary action in another state while licensed in the District.

Frazier, Joe W. (P.A.)  (12/23/09)  The physician assistant was fined and reprimanded for making false statements on his D.C. license application.

Probation Terminated

Kirk, Ian (M.D) (5/5/09) The physician satisfied the terms of his prior order, dated January 29, 2008.

Jamshidi, Saied (M.D) (5/5/09) The physician satisfied the terms of his prior order, dated January 8, 2007.

Salerian, Alen (M.D.) (11/2/09)  The physician has been fined for failure to update his physician profile, and the order also terminates the previous probation of 10/6/2006.

Fisher, Edward (M.D.)  (11/24/09)  The physician satisfied the terms of his previous probation of 9/25/08.

Shah, Parvez I. (M.D.) (12/7/09)  The  physician satisfied the terms of his previous probation of 10/16/07.

Licensure Denied

McLaren, Martin (M.D.) (8/11/09)  The physician’s application for license was denied, due to a criminal conviction and current incarceration.

Alli, Billiamin (M.D.) (12/30/09)  The physician’s application for license was denied, due to a fraudulent/deceptive application, and for not meeting the qualifications.

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