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Civil Infractions - Nursing Homes

*NOI Issued Name of Facility S = Survey
C = Complaint
I = Incident

Violation **DCMR


Fine Paid
12/04/2003 MedLink Nursing Center S DCMR 3231.11
DCMR 3207.8
12/15/2003 Ingleside S DCMR 3227.13 $1,300
12/15/2003 Grant Park Care C DCMR 3200.1 $1,300, $260
02/03/2004 Carroll Manor S DCMR 3200.1
DCMR 3207.06
DCMR 3211.11
04/05/2004 Hadley Hospital Skilled Nursing Unit S DCMR 3211.1 $1,200
01/23/2004 The Washington Home S DCMR 3232.4 $650
01/14/2004 Health Care Institute S DCMR 3211.1 $650
2/12/2004 Rock Creek Manor S DCMR 3210.4
DCMR 3229.1
04/15/2004 Stoddard Baptist S DCMR 3211.1(a) $650
06/17/2004 Grant Park Care Center S DCMR 3202.4
DCMR 3210.4
DCMR 3211.1
06/17/2004 Northwest Health Care Center C & I DCMR 3200.1
DCMR 483.13
07/14/2004 Washington Nursing Facility S DCMR 3202.4 $260
7/22/2004 Northwest Heath Care Center S DCMR 3200.1 $130
08/11/2004 Methodist Home S DCMR 3232.4 $130
10/10/2004 Washington Nursing Facility S DCMR 3202.4 $130
09/15/2004 Health Care Institute C DCOC 44-1003.02(a) $650 x 2 $1300
10/10/2004 Washington Nursing Facility S DCMR 3202.4 $130
10/22/2004 Washington Center for Aging Services S DCMR 3232.4 Pending
11/02/2004 Medlink Nursing Center S DCMR 3210.4 (a)
DCMR 3207.08
12/06/2004 Carroll Manor C DCMR 3211.1 $650
01/8/2005 Washington Nursing Facility C DCOC 44-1003.02 $650
01/18/2005 JB Johnson C DCOC 44-1003.02 $250
03/02/2005 Hadley Hospital SNU S DCMR 3210.4 (a) $650
03/03/2005 Washington Nursing Facility C DCOC 44-1003.02 $650
02/18/2005 Grant Park Care Center S DCMR 3201.2 (a)
DCMR 3201.2 (b)
DCMR 3210.4 (a)
03/14/2005 Northwest Health Care Center C DCMR 3232.4 $650
03/24/2005 Northwest Health Care Center C DCOC 44-1003.02 $260
04/12/2005 Capitol View Skilled Nursing Unit S DCMR 3232.4
DCMR 3220.2
04/14/2005 Grant Park Care Center S DCMR 3201.2(a)
DCMR 3201.2(b)
DCMR 3210.4(a)
04/18/2005 Stoddard Baptist Home S DCMR 3211.1 (b) $650
08/03/2005 Northwest Health Care Center C DCMR 3200.1
DCOC 44-1003.02
08/19/2005 Stoddard Baptist Home C DCOC 44-1003.02 $650
09/26/2005 The Washington Home I DCOC 3212.2 $1300
11/02/2006 The Washington Home C DCMR 3232.4X2 $1,000
02/05/2007 Carolyn Boone Lewis HCC S DCMR 4701.2 $1,000
03/23/2007 Specialty Hospital of Washington Hedley S DCMR 3210.4
DCMR 3211.11
06/01/2007 Grant Park Care Center S DCMR 3211.3 $2,000
06/14/2007 Grant Park Care Center C DCMR 3210.4 $1,000
07/09/2007 Grant Park Care Center C DCMR 3200.1 $6,875
07/24/2007 Carroll Manor Nursing and Rehabilitation Center I DCMR 3203.2 $500
10/16/2007 Sibley Memorial Hospital - Renaissance Unit S DCMR 3211.1 $1,000
10/29/2007 Capitol Hill Nursing Center S DCMR 3217.6 $1,000
01/25/2008 SHW Hadley S DCMR 3203.2 $500
01/28/2008 Sun Rise at Thomas Circle I DCMR 3201.3 $500
01/28/2008 Ingleside S DCMR 3210.4 $1,000
04/02/2008 Grant Park Nursing Center S DCMR 3211.3
DCMR 3254.5
DCMR 3256.1
DCMR 3258.13
DCMR 3229.1
12/02/2008 Ingleside at Rock Creek S DCMR 3256.1 $500
12/02/2008 Carolyn Boone Lewis S DCMR 3200.1 $1000

*NOI = Notice of Infraction

**DCMR = Title 22 District of Columbia Municipal Regulations (DCMR)
***DCOC = District of Columbia Official Code

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