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Microenterprise Home Kitchen Program

In April of 2023, the Council of the District of Columbia passed the Street Vendor Advancement Amendment Act of 2023 (D.C. Act 25-94). This legislation makes several changes to the District’s laws around street vending, including the creation of the Microenterprise Home Kitchen permit. The legislation also establishes a sidewalk vending zone in Columbia Heights and Mount Pleasant, while also giving the Mayor the authority to create additional zones.

What is the Microenterprise Home Kitchen Program?

The Microenterprise Home Kitchen Program is a new food vending program that allows certified individuals to operate out of a non-commercial kitchen facility that is in a private home in the District of Columbia. The business must be operated by a resident of the home where ready-to-eat is handled, stored, or prepared to be offered for sale in approved street vending zones.

As of January 2024, the only approved street vending zones are in the Mt. Pleasant and Columbia Heights neighborhoods.

Who Qualifies?

DC residents, living in private homes with a non-commercial kitchen, who receive operating permits from DC Health.

What can you sell?

  • Fully cooked food, including, but not limited to, meat, fish, fruit, and vegetables
  • Raw fruit and vegetables that are washed and offered for sale whole or chopped
  • Any other time or temperature control for safety food that is cooked to the temperature and time required for the specific food in accordance with District regulations
  • Bakery items for which further cooking is not required for safety


To become a Microenterprise Home Kitchen operator, you must:

  • Be a DC resident
  • Pass an approved food safety exam
  • Pass an in-home inspection
  • Prepare and cook food in your primary home kitchen and serve in an approved street vending zone.

How to Get Started:

Complete and submit the following:

QUESTIONS? If you have any questions or require additional information, please send an email to [email protected].