(Washington, DC) – Today, DC Health has announced that the DC Health Vital Records Division (DCVRD) will be expanding its “appointment only” service, beginning on July 12, 2021.
During the pandemic, DCVRD began offering appointments for birth and death certifications services with 12 weekly appointment slots. After July 12, the DCVRD will continue conducting both standard and non-standard services primarily by appointment. The DCVRD’s plan is to expand appointments to 180 slots per day, which represents 20 additional daily service opportunities when compared to the DCVRD’s FY 19 daily customer volume average of 160 persons. DC Health anticipates that this will add customer value by distributing visits more evenly across the day; hence, eliminating customer surges where a wave of customers overwhelms capacity, extending wait times and creating uncomfortable crowds in the waiting area. Of the 180 daily slots, 30 will be designated walk-in appointments for customers unaware of the appointment system, or whose needs are critically time sensitive.
Customers are encouraged to make appointments at dchealth.dc.gov/page/vital-records-appointments or call DCVRD directly at (202) 442-9303 for service in any language. Appointments are estimated to last between 10-15 minutes, including processing and wait times. Customers who require additional support during their appointment such as using the kiosk or have requests that require archive research may experience additional processing time. Using the online appointment tool, customers may identify requirements for auxiliary aids and services, such as American Sign Language interpretation services. DCVRD will provide a 15-minute grace period if individuals are late for their appointment. Late arrivals past the 15-minute grace period may utilize available walk-in appointment slots or make another appointment.
Customers that do not have appointments must check in for a walk-in appointment slot at the registration desk and wait until the next available walk-in appointment slot is open. Daily wait times and remaining available walk-in slots can be viewed at dcvsims.com/public/waittimes.
Prior to an appointment, DCVRD requires proof of identity and entitlement to access the data and asks customers to review both the identity guidelines and entitlement guidelines before arrival.