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Medicine Disciplinary Actions 2018

Anderson, Ronald (11/5/18)The physician’s 2/22/17 Consent Order was modified to terminate the practice monitoring and reporting requirement only. The practice restrictions to Ophthalmology without procedures remains. [Ophthalmology]

Adams, Alice (4/27/18) – The physician’s license was summarily suspended based on a Maryland summary suspension on 3/13/18, based on practice while impaired by opioids, and having an unsanitary office. [Psychiatry]

Imran, Sikander (7/16/18) – The physician’s license was revoked based on a hospital suspension and subsequent imprisonment for a 5/24/7 Virginia arrest regarding ‘premeditated killing of a fetus of another person’, via unauthorized use of abortion drug. [Hematology]

Ibrahim, Victor (7/25/18) – The physician’s license was placed on probation, restricted from the practice of medicine, and required to remain in a monitored drug treatment program. [Physical Medicine]

Loftus, Andrew (5/30/18) – The physician’s 2015 summary suspension was lifted, and license was reinstated with probation and terms to include a re-entry plan, MSDC reporting, employment notification, and practice supervision with reporting. [Radiology]

Ibrahim, Victor (4/27/18) - The physician's license was summary suspended based on a Maryland summary suspension on 3/30/18, regarding substance abuse. [Physical Medicine]

Rout, Preeti (1/9/18) – The physician’s license was summarily suspended based on a Maryland summary suspension on 11/29/17, regarding substance abuse. [Internal Medicine]

Yu, Benson (2/5/18) – The physician’s previous 1/8/15 Consent Order is amended to lift prescribing restrictions, and impose monitoring and reporting. [Internal Medicine]