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DC Health

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District of Columbia Immunization Information System (DOCIIS)

The District of Columbia Immunization Information System (DOCIIS) is an internet-based system that collects, stores, tracks and monitors immunization event information across the lifespan for residents and visitors to DC. DOCIIS provides access to real-time immunization data to a range of immunization stakeholders including health care providers, pharmacies, health care payers, and schools and licensed child development centers while ensuring compliance with privacy and confidentiality standards.

DOCIIS is the Immunization Program’s key tool for tracking individual- and population- level immunization data in DC. Health care providers use DOCIIS to check immunization history to ensure their patients receive recommended vaccines as prescribed, and schools and LCDCs use DOCIIS to track compliance with immunization laws and regulations (e.g. DC Law 3-20). In addition to centralizing immunization histories of DC residents and visitors, DOCIIS is also a key source of information for providers on the District’s immunization requirements and the national recommendations issued by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP).

How do I access DOCIIS to view and edit immunization records?

If you are an immunization provider, school nurse, or childcare facility staff member, please email [email protected] to request access to the registry.  Users are expected to complete DOCIIS 2.0 training prior to receiving a username and password to access DOCIIS 2.0.

I have my user login. How do I access DOCIIS on the web?

How do I report immunizations administered to DOCIIS (immunization registry)?

Providers must electronically report administered immunizations; see the Meaningful Use paragraph below. If you are a staff at a Licensed Child Development Center, please send Vaccine Administration Records (VARs) or the Universal Health Certificate (UHC) via the program's Self Service Portal (SSP). To gain access to the SSP, contact the Help Desk at (202) 576-9301 or [email protected].

Meaningful Use Public Health Reporting

Healthcare facilities who administer vaccines  may transmit immunization records electronically via their electronic medical records (EMR). Please complete the Meaningful Use Public Health Reporting Registration Form to initiate electronic reporting.

OCIIS Documents
