The DC AIDS Drug Assistance Program
The AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) operates in the District of Columbia and in all 50 states, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. The program is authorized under Title II of the Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency (CARE) Act and provides HIV-related prescription drugs to under-insured and uninsured individuals living with HIV/AIDS. Enrolling in the DC AIDS Drug Assistance Program is as easy as clicking on the link below.
Click to Enroll or Re-certify in the Pharmacy Benefits Program (ADAP)
I would like information about:
- ADAP Eligibility
- Health Insurance Assistance Program
- Remembering to take my medication on time
- DC ADAP Pharmacy Directory
- In-Network Pharmacy Directory (All Clients)
- Out-of-Network Directory (Insured/Medicare Clients only)
- Drugs Available Through DC ADAP (Formulary)
Please Note: Please call for a walk-in appointment. Mailed applications cannot be accepted.
Additional Information:
- DC ADAP Forms (Application, Third Party Liability, and Early Refill and Extended Supply Request)
- Information on HIV/AIDS Drugs
- Pharmacy Protocol for DC ADAP Pharmacies [PDF]
Contact Phone:
(202) 671-4815
Contact Fax:
(202) 673-4365
Contact TTY: