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Food Establishment Restoration Procedures

Food Establishment Restoration Procedures

In the event that the Department of Health (DC Health) issues a Summary Suspension to a Food Establishment, all food service operations must cease immediately. Per the District Food Code regulations §4413, in order for a Food Establishment to commence operations, the Food Establishment must:

  • Comply with the applicable requirements listed below.
  • NOT remove posted Closure Notice sign issued by DC Health until restoration is completed by a DC Health Food Safety Sanitarian.
  • Correct all violations and deficiencies as noted on the Summary Suspension Notice and inspection report.
  • Complete and submit a written request* for re-inspection with payment. (*Application).
  • Pay the re-inspection fee of:
    • $100.00 before 12 p.m. for restoration inspection to be scheduled for the next available business day during normal inspection hours (10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. appointments) or
    • $400.00 before 2 p.m. for restoration inspections to be scheduled for the next available after-hour inspection (evening or weekend appointments).  NOTE: Seeking an after-hour inspection requires submitting the completed application to [email protected] before making payment.  Only a Supervisor can authorize, approve or schedule an after-hour restoration inspection.

Payments are to be made at the
Health Regulation and Licensing Administration (HRLA)
Processing Center at 899 North Capitol St. NE, 1st floor

 HRLA Processing Center is open
Monday - Friday from 9 am - 1 pm,
Wednesday 9 am - 3:30 pm.

No Establishment can resume operation or remove any posted warning(s) until the Department re-inspects and certifies that it is in compliance with the Food Code. Establishment Contact as listed on the application will be informed of the scheduled restoration inspection.


  • Correct all violations and deficiencies which caused the establishment to be closed as well as those included on the inspection report.

Summary suspension for:

    • Pest activity/evidence - Obtain professional extermination services (DC licensed contractor) and submit the copy of services performed along with maintenance schedule. Complete the Corrective Action Plan for Pest (CAPP) and submit along with the application.
    • No water/No hot water and/or Sewage backup - Provide documentation from plumber/engineer (DC licensed contractor) verifying the problem has been rectified to meet the demand of establishment.
    • Interruption of electrical service - Provide documentation from electrician/engineer (DC licensed contractor) verifying electrical service has been restored to meet the demand of establishment.
  • If required, submit Risk Control Plan (RCP)
    • Risk control plan must be submitted prior to restoration inspection and weekly (or as directed) until next inspection in which it is determined by DC Health that risks are mitigated.


  • Send an email to [email protected] once all violations corrected.  Contact DCRA at (202) 442-4400 to check for all other necessary documentation and complete procedure to obtain a current, valid license.  If there are any questions, please contact the Area Supervisor at [email protected].
  • Forward a copy of the new license to the DC Health Food Safety Area Supervisor via fax at (202) 535-1359 or email at [email protected].
  • Post the license in a location conspicuous to consumers for example, by the cash register.

FOR NO DC Certified Food Protection Manager (CFPM) ON SITE/Person In Charge (PIC) IS NOT A CFPM RECOGNIZED BY THE DEPARTMENT:

  • Enroll to take one of the acceptable food safety testing organizations’ certification exam and submit proof of enrollment to [email protected].
  • After successful completion of the examination, bring the certificate with the test score, preferably two forms of ID and a check, money order, cash, or debit/credit card in the amount of $35 to HRLA Processing Center 899 North Capitol St NE, 1st floor to obtain a DC Health CFPM identification card.
  • Inform Division by entering CFPM ID card number (FS - #####) on the application form when preparing the restoration request.
  • Post DC Health CFPM card conspicuously next to the license.

REMINDER - Must have at least one (1) DC CFPM cardholder on premises during all hours of operation.


Please click here to access the Restoration Request Application to request and make payment for a restoration inspection after a summary suspension of the food establishment.

Based on the violations, you may also need to complete a Corrective Action Plan for Pests (CAPP) and/or a Risk Control Plan (RCP).  Both documents are below.

NOTE:  The Risk Control Plan may be completed by the inspector/sanitarian.


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