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Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Services Standards (RWHAPSS)

The purpose of these service standards is to outline the elements and expectations all Ryan White service providers are to follow when implementing a specific service category. Service Standards define the minimal acceptable levels of quality in service delivery and to ensure that a uniformity of service exists in the Washington, DC Eligible Metropolitan Area (EMA). As such that customers/patients of these services categories receive the same quality of service regardless of where or by whom the services are provided. Service Standards are essential in defining and ensuring that consistent quality care is offered to all customers/patients and will be used as contract requirements, in program monitoring, and in quality management.

Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Core Medical Services

1.    Early Intervention & Regional Early Intervention Services 
2.    Health Insurance Premium and Cost Sharing Assistance 
3.    Home and Community-Based Health Services
4.    Home Health Care Services
5.    Hospice Care Services
6.    Medical Case Management Services
7.    Medical Nutrition Therapy 
8.    Mental Health Services
9.    Oral Health Services 
10.  Outpatient Ambulatory Health Services 
11.  Substance Use Disorder Outpatient Care 

12.  Substance Use Disorder Services (Residential)
       (Formerly Substance Abuse Services (Residential)

 Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Support Services 

1.    Emergency Financial Assistance 
2.    Food Bank/Home Delivered Meals 
3.    Health Education/Risk Reduction Services
4.    Housing Services 
5.    Linguistic Services 
6.    Medical Transportation
7.    Non-Medical Case Management 
8.    Other Professionals Services
9.    Outreach Services 
10.  Rehabilitation Services Standard
11.  Respite Care Services
12.  Psychosocial Support Services 
13.  Wellness Program Initiative