The Mayor's Plan for Ending the Epidemic (EHE)
Care and Housing
- DC EMA Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plan
- DC EMA Status Neutral Needs Assessment 2022-2023
- Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Standards
- Amendment to the HOPWA Annual Action Plan fy2020 in Response to COVID-19 Incorporating CARE Act Funds
- Comprehensive HIV Care Plan 2012 - 2014
- 2012 -2014 Part B Comprehensive Plan & Statewide Coordinated Statement of Need for DC
- Part B District of Columbia Comprehensive HIV Care Plan for 2009 - 2011
- Washington DC Regional Eligible Metropolitan Area Comprehensive HIV Care Plan for 2009 - 2011
- Comprehensive Plan for HIV Health and Support Services 2006-2008
- Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Consolidated Plan and Action Plan Federal Fiscal Year 2006
- Primary Care Standards Letter
- HIV Care and Ryan White Care Dynamics
- HOPWA 2013 RFA Attachments
- Housing for People with HIV/AIDS
Fact Sheets
HAHSTA Disease Reporting and Monitoring
- Annual Epidemiology and Surveillance Reports for the District of Columbia
- HIV Among Transgender Persons in the District of Columbia
- MSM in DC: A Lifelong Commitment to Stay HIV Free
- Heterosexual Relationships and HIV in Washington, DC - DC HIV Behavior Study Series
- Injection Drug Use: IDUs and HIV Infection in DC
HIV Prevention
- DC EMA Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plan, 2022-2026 Resubmission
- PrEP Provider Handbook
- DC Comprehensive HIV Prevention Plan 2012-2015
- DC Jurisdictional HIV Prevention Plan 2012-2015
- HIV Prevention Plan (2011-2012)
- Youth Sexual Health Plan 2016-2020
- Youth and HIV Prevention Initiative Plan 2007-2010
- DC EMA Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plan, 2022-2026
- Dear Colleague Letter: 2019 NTCA/CDC Healthcare Personnel TB Guideline Changes (6/2019)
- Presentation for Infection Control Professionals on Updated 2019 Guidelines for Health Care Personnel Screening (6/2019)
- Pre-Placement TB Screening for Healthcare Personnel Sample Form with Algorithm [PDF] (6/2019)
- Pre-Placement TB Screening for Healthcare Personnel Sample Form with Algorithm [DOC] (6/2019)
- Annual Epidemiology and Surveillance Reports for HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis, STD and Tuberculosis Reports
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