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Environmental Health Administration


Arian Gibson, MS
Senior Deputy Director


Hours of Operation: 8:15 am–4:45 pm
2201 Shannon Place SE, 2nd Floor
Washington, DC 20020
Telephone: (202) 724-4900
Fax: (202) 724-5145


The mission of the Environmental Health Administration (EHA) is to protect the health of the residents of the District of Columbia, visitors and those that do business here, by targeting environmental factors through education, research and regulation. EHA will focus on how environmental factors impact human health and provide services to optimize positive public health outcomes. EHA contains three (3) Offices and eight (8) Divisions. 

Offices & Divisions

The three offices include:

Office of Environmental Protection (OEP) consists of two (2) divisions:

  • To Division of Indoor Environment — The Healthy Housing Program (previously located within DOEE), will be housed within the Office of Indoor Environment. This program focuses on eliminating environmental hazards (lead, climate/ventilation/pests/structural/etc.) in the home. In addition to the healthy home healthy housing programs, the Division of Indoor Environment will provide services including but not limited to; lead education, smoking exemptions, smokefree workplace enforcement, carbon monoxide poisoning prevention and prescription drug disposal.
  • Division of Outdoor Environment — charged with monitoring, conducting research, providing education/outreach and recommendations/interventions for workplace & occupational health, environmental hazards and climate adaptation

Office of Environmental Epidemiology (OEE) consists of two (2) divisions:

The Office of Environmental Epidemiology (OEE) is charged with minimizing the spread of disease by surveillance, reporting and implementing interventions that may be catalyst of disease. This Office is comprised of foodborne, waterborne, wastewater, vector borne/zoonotic, respiratory and environmental epidemiologists as well as a team of investigators.

  • Division of Epidemiology
  • Division of Epidemiological Investigations

Office of Community Protection (OCP) consists of four (4) divisions:

  • Division of Food — ensures food safety for all types of retail, manufacturing and non-commercial food operations
  • Division of Community Hygiene — regulates aquatic, cosmetology, bedding/upholstery, body art and tanning facilities
  • Division of Animal Services — The Animal Services Division regulates all animal activities in the District. The division oversees DC Animal Care and Control, preventing the spread of communicable diseases transmitted from animals to humans, such as Rabies and West Nile Virus, dog licensing and various animal permits, licenses and regulates animal facilities, has an animal outreach and education resource program, and an emergency preparedness program.
  • Division of Rodent & Vector Control — provides outdoor abatement of rodents, education for indoor pests such as bed bugs and assistance with hoarding
