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DC Department of Health Partners with AMTRAK to Offer H1N1 Vaccine

Monday, February 22, 2010
Free vaccination clinics will be held in Union Station.

The DC Department of Health (DOH) announced new times for their partnership with Amtrak to provide the H1N1 vaccine. DOH has already successfully administered over 25,000 H1N1 immunizations at its free clinics in the District. The event with Amtrak was previously postponed due to the snowstorms last week. DOH will provide visitors passing through Union Station and Amtrak staff, the opportunity to receive the vaccine for free on Tuesday, February 23, from 3 pm to 8 pm and on Wednesday, February 24 from 7 am to 2 pm.

The clinics will be open to the general public and to Amtrak employees during their shifts, and will take place in the Starlight Room, Gate C at Union Station, located at 50 Massachusetts Ave., NE.

DOH will continue to update District residents as new information becomes available regarding H1N1 and the vaccine.