DC Health is committed to helping families have positive and successful breastfeeding experiences. This commitment is facilitated through a multi-sector approach to promote a community-wide breastfeeding friendly culture within the District. DC Health uses a data driven and outcome oriented approach to create breastfeeding program and policy development. This approach includes strengthening public and private partnerships within community organizations such as hospitals, health centers and workplaces to achieve equitable breastfeeding outcomes for all District residents.
- Breastfeeding Information and Support
- Breastfeeding in the Workplace
- Breastfeeding in Healthcare
- Breastfeeding Toolkit
District of Columbia Breastfeeding Rights:
Under the District of Columbia Human Rights Act of 1977, as amended, a woman has a right to breastfeed her child in any location, public of private, where she has the right to be with her child, without respect to whether the mother’s breast or any part of it is uncovered during or incidental to the breastfeeding of her child. The law also mandates employers’ accommodations for breastfeeding.
If you feel you have been discriminated against under the Act, contact the District of Columbia Office of Human Rights at (202) 272-4559 or ohr.dc.gov.
District of Columbia Breastfeeding Rights Resources
- Office of Human Rights Breastfeeding Poster
- Office of Human Rights Protecting Pregnant Workers Fairness Act
Breastfeeding Advocacy
- Black Breastfeeding Week
- Breastfeeding USA
- DC Breastfeeding Coalition
- DC Lactation Commission
- United States Breastfeeding Committee
- World Breastfeeding Week
Breastfeeding Data & Reports