Ebola Information - Other Languages
- Message from the Director of the Department of Health [PDF]
- Ebola ED Flow Chart [PDF] (11/13/2014)
- Additional Amharic Information
- Message from the Director of the Department of Health [PDF]
- Evaluating Patients for Possible Ebola Virus Disease [PDF]
- Ebola Nursing Home Flow Chart [PDF] (11/13/2014)
- Ebola EMS Flow Chart [PDF] (11/13/2014)
- Ebola ED Flow Chart [PDF] (11/13/2014)
- Additional Chinese Information
- Message from the Director of the Department of Health [PDF]
- Evaluating Patients for Possible Ebola Virus Disease [PDF]
- Ebola Virus Algorithm [PDF]
- Ebola School Nurse Flow Chart [PDF] (11/13/2014)
- Korean WebLSP [PDF]
- Ebola Outpatient Flow Clinic [PDF] (11/13/2014)
- Ebola Nursing Home Flow Chart [PDF] (11/13/2014)
- Ebola ED Flow Chart [PDF] (11/13/2014)
- Additional Korean Information
- Ebola Virus Algorithm [PDF]
- Evaluating Patients for Possible Ebola Virus Disease [PDF]
- Ebola EMS Flow Chart [PDF] (11/13/2014)
- Ebola Outpatient Flow Chart [PDF] (11/13/2014)
- Ebola Nursing Home Flow Chart [PDF] (11/13/2014)
- Message from the Director of the Department of Health [PDF]
- Ebola School Nurse Flow Chart [PDF] (11/13/2014)
- Ebola Nurse Home Flow [PDF] (11/13/2014)
- Ebola EMS Flow Chart [PDF] (11/13/2014)
- Ebola Virus Algorithm [PDF] (11/13/2014)
- Ebola ED Flow Chart [PDF] (11/13/2014)