Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) - BRFSS is a health surveillance system conducted in the District of Columbia and Nationwide that collects data on chronic diseases, health risks, and health behaviors.
Data Request Forms - Data Request Forms are used for officially requesting de-identified data from DC Department of Health programs, which may vary in formats such as data file or table.
District of Columbia Community Health Needs Assessment - This report provides a comprehensive review of the District of Columbia's current health status.
District of Columbia Healthy People 2020 - DC Healthy People 2020 is a city-wide roadmap that sets health priorities, goals and objectives, outlines strategies, and monitors progress through the year 2020.
Institutional Review Board for Public Health - The IRBPH is and administrative body established to protect the rights and welfare of human research subject recruited to participate in research activities or data collection on human subjects in the DC Department of Health.
Occupational Safety and Health Statistics Program (OSHS) - The DC Department of Health collaborates with the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics to serve as the premier source of information on the safety and health of District of Columbia workers.
Reports and Publications - Reports and publications present narrative, summary data and statistics, and tables of DC Department of Health public health programs.