If you think you have an STI or think you may have been exposed to an STI, STOP having sex.
Make an appointment at the DC Health and Wellness Center. If you have an STI you are at greater risk of getting HIV.
Need an STI Test?
DC's new Health and Wellness Center provides many tests as well as STI Testing.
Services Provided at the DC Health and Wellness Center:
- TESTING AND DIAGNOSIS: Comprehensive STI testing is offered to all persons 12 years of age and older. The types of tests done depend on your sexual behaviors and symptoms.
- HIV (rapid and confirmatory blood test),
- Chlamydia (swab or urine)
- Genital Herpes (visual diagnosis and culture)
- Gonorrhea (swab or urine)
- Hepatitis B Testing
- Hepatitis C (blood test)
- Syphilis (blood test)
- Trichomoniasis (swab)
- HPV (human papillomavirus)
- VACCINATIONS: Hepatitis A & B
* Please note that patients are provided referrals for those conditions that the new Health and Wellness
Center is unable to treat such as genital warts, penile papules, molluscum contagiosum and HIV.
- SEXUAL HEALTH EDUCATION: Free education and counseling by a specialist are offered.
- FREE CONDOMS: Male and female Condoms are provided free of charge to all patients. People may also walk into the clinic and request condoms from the security guard or the registration desk at no cost.
The DC Health and Wellness Center the right to cut off or refuse services based on the following circumstances:
- 1. Shortage of Clinicians on a given day.
- 2. Maximum number of patients that medical professionals can process has been reached
- 3. Excessive or offensive odors resulting from substances i.e., alcohol, marijuana, etc.
- 4. Improper language and-or behavior that is disruptive to other patients
Helpful Links:
- Notify someone anonymously that they need to get tested and treated for an STD.
- Frequently Asked Questions about STIs
- STI Data and Reports
- Condoms and Condom Information
- Notifiable Disease Case Report Form
- Epidemiology
Related Services:
Service Contact:
DC Health and Wellness Center
Contact Phone:
(202) 741-7692
Contact TTY:
Office Hours:
Monday – Wednesday and Friday 8:30 am–3 pm; Thursday 8:30 am–11:00 am