The Pyramid has changed! And it's personal.
What's New?
- It's now called MyPyramid. Most information is on the website.
- Get basic information by putting your age, sex, and activity level in the MyPyramid Plan section.
A few things you can find out are:
- The number of calories to eat every day
- How many servings to eat from each food group
- The type of foods to eat from each good group
- How much physical activity to have every day
Who is the Pyramid for?
- MyPyramid nutrition information is for persons who are older than 2 years old who do not have a medical condition. Persons with health conditions should see a doctor first.
- Who should not use the Pyramid for diet information?
- MyPyramid does not offer dietary guidance for pregnant, breastfeeding or postpartum women. WIC participants can get this information from their local WIC Nutritionist.
- MyPyramid is not for infants (0 to 12 months old) or children who are under two years old. WIC participants can get this information from their local WIC Nutritionist.
Get the MyPyramid details! Go to choosemyplate.gov.
Contact Phone:
(202) 442-9397
Contact Fax:
(202) 535-1710
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Contact Suite #:
3rd Floor
Office Hours:
Monday to Friday 8 am to 5 pm
Service Location:
Health, Department of
GIS Address:
2201 Shannon Place SE