
Just because you have health insurance does not mean you are not eligible for the DC AIDS Drug Assistance Program (DC ADAP).

Find information about licensing, certification and programs targeting health professionals.

Find official documents containing Health Regulations and Licensing Reports.

The Cardiovascular Health Program executes state-level actions to prevent and control heart disease, diabetes, obesity and other related risk factors.

Help Me Grow District of Columbia (HMG DC) promotes healthy development for children and to support healthy birth for pregnant mothers in the District of Columbia.

The DC Department of Health offers programs that provide services to parents and children in their own homes.

Find information, resources and reporting instructions on a range of infectious diseases, including Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs).

DC Health's Institutional Review Board for Public Health (IRBPH) protects the rights and welfare of human research subjects recruited to participate in research activities or data collected on human subjects conducted under the auspices of the Department of Health.

The Intermediate Care Facilities Division (ICFD) licenses group homes for persons with intellectual, developmental and physical disabilities residing in the District of Columbia.

Licensed intermediate care facilities are available for those with intellectual disabilities, providing a home-like environment that offers the necessary staff, programs, support services and equipment for their care and habilitation.